Yeah u read it correct only, its egg. One of the most beautiful creations of god.I love this oval shaped thing more than my girl friend (as if i have one :D). Simply in my words about this beautiful white gold :
It is fact that the egg is almost unbreakable in vertical position with narrow side down and apply load on the top.When you eat an egg where does the strength go.Obvious its to you.
I dont need to tell you about that.Statistic's say's that .. that's all.
It just completes the advertisement.Feed it to kids, obviously they increase in height.So this also can be considered as fact.
Origin of Egg
Even Einstein cant solve the so called problem. Is it the hen first or Egg first? To me its always the egg because i love eggs.Such a precious thing has to be created by god in pure form.More I think about this question the more hungrier I become and more eggs I will eat.
Development of Egg
There is nothing like such.You can eat as soon as it comes out without even thinking where it came from. I heard that eggs have a expiry date around 30 days, anyway I haven't seen an egg for more than 2 days in our refrigerator.
Eggs in Mythology
Have you heard golden egg duck story, the fact that you should observe is that they used to compare eggs like gold.Ester eggs are part of festivals.There are some absurd jokes on eggs(Particularly veeru's) I get hurt when I come across them.
Research on Eggs
Do u know that eggs can be used as lubricant for machinery... just kidding. But worth a shot.See it has all qualities like viscosity, doesn't evaporate on heat (But becomes omelet though). I have to do extensive research on this topic. But the main problem I can't waste eggs I feel they are better to be in my stomach than in some stupid machinery. So dropped the idea of it.
Egg Brothers:
Me and murali (my fren) deserve to be rightly called as egg brothers, wherever we had gone we have ordered egg biryani only and stayed loyal to egg for almost like a decade or so.
Finally I conclude this by saying eat an egg daily and stay healthy.Is is vegetarian or Non-vegetarian? Stupid question. It doesn't matter its everyone's birth right to eat an egg.
Signing off for the day
I am not an employee of NECC(National Egg Co-ordination Committee), Like to become one though :D.. its like a kid in a chocolate factory.
Congratulations! You are right, the egg came first as per the wiki article:
Darwin's theory of Evolution states that species change over time via mutation and selection. Since DNA can be modified only before birth, a mutation must have taken place at conception or within an egg such that an animal similar to a chicken, but not a chicken, laid the first chicken egg. In this light, both the egg and the chicken evolved simultaneously from birds that were not chickens and did not lay chicken eggs but gradually became more and more like chickens over time.
However, a mutation in one individual is not normally considered a new species. A speciation event involves the separation of one population from its parent population, so that interbreeding ceases; this is the process whereby domesticated animals are genetically separated from their wild forebears. The whole separated group can then be recognized as a new species.
The modern chicken was believed to have descended from another closely related species of birds, the red junglefowl, but recently discovered genetic evidence suggests that the modern domestic chicken is a hybrid descendant of both the red junglefowl and the grey junglefowl.Assuming the evidence bears out, a hybrid is a compelling scenario that the chicken egg, based on the second definition, came before the chicken.
@sunil Nice to hear, at least now i can proudly say egg is first :D .... guessed the reason also :D ...